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After Exams

After my final Sydney University exams ever!

University complete

A fizzly, less-than-impressive feeling that uni is all over - that was the feeling after my final exams ever. No great relief, joy, excitment, or any kind of feeling of significance about the moment at all.

Did anything intersting happen after the exam fortnight? Honestly, it was no different before, during or after the exams as far as having fun was concerned. We went to Side Bar near Central (Scubar was too loud amd shit) and played make guys prey on Izzy all evening. Was especially amusing to leave Izzy alone to be waylayed by a nineteen year-old westie wog with a rats tail. He was even dressed in something that looked like a school uniform, schoolbag included. Apparently, later that night she danced with a 'stocky' guy and took his number; the next day a policeman - him - appeared at the Sydney Aquarium to 'stalk' her at work, where she had no choice but to agree to a date. He was 'a little too keen' she said, so nothing happened. Sad thing that, considering we would've had fun making up nick-names for him.

Whatever the hell Lizanne was buying for us that night did not agree with my insides - yucky feelings. Wasn't the alcohol, I'd say it was the sugar. Thinking back to the university's open seminars on 'alcopops' during its GerMany Faces expo, you can understand how it becomes an issue. Perhaps only an issue for breweries and distilaries, since drinking girly drinks makes you want to stop drinking. Mixing up several in a huge jug for cheap would certainly stop me from drinking for a few weeks after. Urgh - do not want.


Better things to say: I did a real giant! After a long time feeling gross, stomach complaining, we went to the homebush gymnastics complex. The foam pit was fun and allowed us to try some pretty crazy moves in safety. Even with the pit there, it was still gutsy to do one without chicken-grips. After just a few tackles into the pit, foam fights

...and some other silly ideas - which are so often the norm for us - Mike, Brendon and Trie were lying on the sprung floor looking tired. Brendon looked like a salmon as he lay on his front, hands and arms straight, wiggling about like a fish out of water.

Harriet visited

Honestly, I can't remember anything else happening this month. Harriet (my sister) came to visit, which was fun. We took lots of photos in the Chinese Gardens in Darling Harbour, the Botanical Gardens

...the art gallery, and in the city. Appart from that, if you remember anything else I did with anyone else then please tell me (when the 'post comment' thingo works).

Election party

Damon held a Thanks Giving party at his house (of doom) in Lawson St. The turkey was 5.5 kg and on top of that, everyone brought a dish big enough to feed five other people. So as you could guess, there was far too much food for anyone to eat. I brought Gav's cous-cous, nuts and saltana salad - was good! Although the house was fumigated the day before, the more resilient cockroaches survived and came back for more. I would have been horified to see the place beore this. I guess that's why it's the cockroach house of doom. After that, Mike had his 2007 Election Party.

We made posters of ourselves (which Kinkos took 1:45 to print, grumble) and watched the election count. I was in the 'Apathy Party', who support your right to not give a damn. 40 people in Mike's lounge room cheering for Kevin Rudd was loud and exciting, even if I don't follow politics.

Luke's band performance in Newtown was quite good. Oh, and I went shopping with Gav. Bruno Banani on King St. had a fashion parade and sale, so I went with. It turns out that when you shop with gay friends in a shop filled with other gay men you believe anything less gay than them is cool to wear; consequently, I now have two tight-tight t-shirts.